Fine Art Print: Before and After

If there is one thing this semester has taught me, there is power within a few simple edits. Yes, you want to use your camera skills and settings to capture the natural beauty of things around you, and you need to use your creative intuition to get the best angles,...

Photo Book

This was probably my favorite project of the semester!! I have never done anything like this, but now all of my highlights are combined into a cute book that I made on my own. A lot of work went into creating this book, including the written work, designs, edits, and...

Top Five Pictures

Here are my top five picks for pictures I took this semester! This one is my favorites because this is the first picture I took where I was confident about it. I was struggling with my camera and the settings and such, but then I took this picture and knew that...

Small and Simple Things: Macro Blog

This week was so fun! Do I say that every week? We focused on the little things in life, quite literally, as we used macro lenses to zoom in on things about the size of a quarter. The two biggest principles were 1. Lighting, and 2. Focusing on one part of the image to...

Bannack Blog: Fine Art

For my fourth and final Bannack Blog, I am doing a post on fine art. This one was probably the easiest to shoot, as fine art can really be anything if you’re looking from a creative angle. And since there are so many cool things to look at in Bannack Ghost Town,...